The WavGrind Producer Bundle is our best-valued bundle which is filled with over 1,000 royalty-free samples and MIDI! We put together this bundle to thank the producers who support us, and fill their samples library with industry quality sounds!
The pack is 5.7GB in size.
Scroll Down To Preview The Samples In This Pack...
Listen To The Samples In The Producer Starter Bundle!🔥
Listen To The Samples In The Producer Starter Bundle!🔥
Attention 130bpm Emin
Beam 140bpm D major
Blasted 140bpm D min
You aint mine 104bpm Eb minor
Attention 130bpm Emin
Beam 140bpm D major
Blasted 140bpm D min
You aint mine 104bpm Eb minor
Stuck 121bpm Emin
Hi Hats
Stuck 121bpm Emin
4pf 143bpm Cmin
Hi Hats
Snare Demos 2
Here's What You're Getting In The Producer Starter Bundle:
The Producer Starter Bundle Sample Library - 1,300+ High Quality, Royalty Free Samples ($247 Value)
FREE BONUS #1 - The Nightmare Trap Sample Library ($97 Value)
FREE BONUS #2 - The Magic R&B Sample Library ($97 Value)
FREE BONUS #3 - The "Tracks From Scratch" Video Production Course ($147 Value)
Today Only $7!
How Are These Samples And MIDI Going To Benefit You As A Producer?
- These are high quality, perfectly crafted samples and MIDI which will ensure that your listeners are impressed by your music!🔥
- Your getting the stems and the MIDI for each melody so you have complete creative control, and can maniputate these melodies however you want.
- You can drag and drop these sounds straight into your tracks when you get writer's block, so you'll never get stuck stairing at a blank project.
- These sounds, like everything we release, are 100% royalty free. No need to get the samples cleared, pay us royalties, or credit us. These are no restrictions!