The Dazed Soulful Melody Pack has emotional, soulful melodies, chords, MIDI, live vocals, and more!
It's 100% royalty free, compatible with all software and hardware, and is 248MB in size with 131 files.
Listen To The Samples In The Dazed Soulful Melody Pack!🔥
Grow 94bpm D Min
Reflections 101bpm B Min
Break 96bpm C Min
Half 140bpm C Min
Time 97bpm D Min
Drift 144bpm B Min
How Are These Samples And MIDI Going To Benefit You As A Producer?
- These are high quality, perfectly crafted samples and MIDI which will ensure that your listeners are impressed by your music!🔥
- Your getting the stems and the MIDI for each melody so you have complete creative control, and can maniputate these melodies however you want.
- You can drag and drop these sounds straight into your tracks when you get writer's block, so you'll never get stuck stairing at a blank project.
- These sounds, like everything we release, are 100% royalty free. No need to get the samples cleared, pay us royalties, or credit us. These are no restrictions!